Hi Everybody, I’m Alex.

I’m obsessed with coffee. Literally anything with coffee in it and I’m sold (lattes, affocattos, spiked espresso). It’s all my favorite.

I’m a momma (my husband hates that I spell it that way) to two beautiful babies. I never realized how much better they’d make my life. They are a huge reason why I am so passionate about photographing motherhood. Motherhood, childhood milestones, and maternity are among my favorite things to shoot.

I majored in Communication Technology, minored in Fashion and Retail Studies & Consumer Science at The Ohio State University. I’m from Columbus, OH and in my opinion it’s an amazing city.

I’ve had a love for photography since my elementary school camera club days. I’m pretty sure my grandma still has a photo she bought in an Auction that 7 year old me took.

I greatly appreciate all of you who have supported me and have helped me grow this business into something that allows me to do what I love and contribute to my family financially (and my sanity because guys this is my therapy).